A Perfect Time for Exploration

By Tracy Tomlinson, Case Manager

Over the course of the last few weeks, I have heard many people discussing ways to spend their new found free time.  Now that we have found that the world has changed, we have the choice to look at it, as an opportunity.  If we look at the changes in our world, through the lens of gratitude, we can switch our thinking and view this time, as a blessing.  It came to me, that during the time of self-isolation and physical distancing, this is the ideal opportunity for self-exploration.  This is the perfect time to explore all of the ideas, dreams, careers, and courses, that we previously didn’t make the time for.

Where will you be after this health crisis?  The future will arrive whether you are prepared for it or not.  Where you end up won’t just happen and it won’t be just a matter of luck.  It will be a result of planning and decision making.  Your planning and choices –  the choices you make right now.  There are some things you can do right now, while you have the time, that will help you to make smart decisions for your future.  You must fully understand the kind of person you are – your interests, values, skills and abilities and you must be familiar with the types of jobs that are available to you and the education required to pursue them.  Now is the time to focus in on your goals.  Think big, dream big.  Do the research – the research on you!

If you have ever wondered where to go or what to do when you want to make some changes, wonder no more – the answer is right in front of you.  Contact RWPC today.

Here are 2 websites to get you started:

