Taking a Break

Lindell Haywahe

Computer Resource Facilitator
Social Media Content Development

Over the last few weeks, we have found our face to face, front line services have been replaced with an blitz of social media, webinars, zoom meetings, emails and phone calls. Regina Work preparation Centre is doing everything it can to maintain our services to our clients, keep the connections with our referring partners and address the needs of employers who would contact us in need of employees. As the Social Media Development core, we have been busier than ever to adapt our services to the changing demographic of job seekers. Those without access to technology are certainly feeling the brunt of this transition period. Those who have access are needing more help to learn independently and with what services we can offer to help.

Truly, these are changing times. And this article I found, certainly addresses the need for taking a break from it all. The overuse of technology can lead to burn out, tired eyes, and a tired body from sitting in front of the screen all day.

Take a break.

Go for a quick walk. Do some stretches. There are free yoga sites at least until the month of May. Soak up some Vitamin D by sitting outside in the sun. Take a phone call outside. Close your eyes and listen to some music that speaks to your soul.

Rejuvenating and taking a break from technology is like having some sweets for your soul. Don’t forget that during isolation, you need to take some time for self care. Be kind, especially to yourself.


How to take a technology break


This article goes through some techniques on how to effectively unplug for a few minutes and to allow your self to distress from the overconsumption of technology

Intermittent Media Fasting: How To Stay Sane In A Culture Of Media Overconsumption


This article discusses the benefits and techniques of Intermittent Media Fasting (IMF) to combat technology and ongoing media stress such as information overload on many different channels that might cause anxiety and depression.

How a media fast can benefit your health


This article addresses the presence of social media in our lives and how we can benefit from a more technologically quiet time out from the every day.